
•Swirly Girl• says:

Welcome to the Lives of Swirly and Speed!

♠Speed♠ says:

*Sigh* Hopefully Swirly will return soon! This blog won't be the same without her, even if it is only for a month...

Thank you to everyone who filled out the survey! :) It is much appreciated!


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Breath of Fresh Air

Some of you profile-hoppers may have already noticed this, but to those of you who haven't, well, here it is: I have deleted My Point of View.

I'm sorry, guys, I truly am, but it's just so hard to read a comment filled out on my form that reads 'you can be mean'. 'Some pictures are just dreadful'. 'You're rude'. 'You're dull'. 'That's boring'.

I'm not blaming anyone here. If you're one of the people who wrote that, I have nothing against you, I swear. That's your honest opinion, and everyone is entitled to their own thoughts and feelings. That's okay.

But what I am going to do is just take a little break from Blogger. Start up a new photography blog afterwards, maybe. But I have so many other things to do instead. Practise for my midterm exams. Write my novel. Celebrate along with my little brother at his fifth birthday tomorrow. I have a real life, as does everyone with a Blogger account.

So I guess what this leads up to is my very first "goodbye". I love all my Blogger friends, and I won't be gone any longer than a month. Hopefully less. So, well, goodbye.

Good luck.

I'll miss you.

Swirly Girl xx

P.S. If you care to stay in contact, why don't you shoot me an e-mail?

3 interpolation(s):

Anonymous said...


Brooke said...

Aw, Swirly Girl, that's too bad. I'll keep contact with you, I promise. I can't see your email (long story) but could you email so I can have it?

Thank you!

Goldenstream said...

:( sob! SG, see my email for more full length about what I think of all this. And no I did not blow up at you in it. XD I'll miss you, but hopefully we'll meet up on gchat every so often! :)


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I'm not really sure anymore. I really want to sleep.
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