
•Swirly Girl• says:

Welcome to the Lives of Swirly and Speed!

♠Speed♠ says:

*Sigh* Hopefully Swirly will return soon! This blog won't be the same without her, even if it is only for a month...

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Monday, July 26, 2010

Pebblepaw's Mission Sneak Peek!

Hiya, bloggers! Here's a little sneak peek of the story I am obsessed with writing, Pebblepaw's Mission! I wrote six pages yesterday and have a word count of 4,150! Not that I'm ANYWHERE near done...

Here are the first few lines! Tell me if you like it...

The kittypet blinked, clueless. “Excuse me?” she mewed, her whiskers twitching.
Pebblepaw sighed, agitated. “I said do you know a silver cat?” Pebblepaw, an apprentice of ThunderClan, had been sent on a mission a moon ago by his warrior ancestors. His mission was to find a “silver cat with eyes like ice and rippling stripes like running water” to save his Clan. StarClan hadn’t told him where to find the silver cat, or why he needed to, but so far, Pebblepaw had been trekking through Twolegplace, asking all the cats he met if they had seen a silver cat.
The kittypet snorted. “Why are you looking for a silver cat? Why aren’t you looking for a tabby or a tortoiseshell?”
Pebblepaw gritted his teeth, trying to stay calm. “I don’t know why, but just tell me: do you know a silver cat?”
The kittypet shook her head. “The closest I know to a silver cat is my sister, Misty. She’s pale gray.”
Pebblepaw nodded. “Thanks, anyway,” he called over his shoulder as he padded along the Twoleg fence on the way to the next garden. Just as he was peering down into the square of neatly trimmed grass, he felt a paw slam down on his tail and let out a yelp of surprise.
“What are you doing here, youngster? Don’t you know this is my garden?” Cautiously, Pebblepaw turned to see a mottled brown tabby tom glaring at him, his lips drawn back in a snarl. “Well, youngster?” he pressed. “Don’t you?”

Well, what do you think? This isn't even the first chapter, but I don't want to give too much away... Thank, guys!

2 interpolation(s):

♠Speed♠ said...

OMG! I'm writing a book about StoneClan! All the characters are different, though. And there's a cat named Pebblepaw in it! But he's gray and white. I've been writing for about a month and a week now, and I might put it on a blog!

Sunnystar said...


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