
•Swirly Girl• says:

Welcome to the Lives of Swirly and Speed!

♠Speed♠ says:

*Sigh* Hopefully Swirly will return soon! This blog won't be the same without her, even if it is only for a month...

Thank you to everyone who filled out the survey! :) It is much appreciated!


Friday, July 23, 2010


Hey, everyone! I am writing this in England! Yes, I managed to get Internet connectivity on the first day :) I'm so proud! So, here's a little brief overlook of my move:

3:00pm: We boarded the taxi that took us to the airport
4:15pm: We arrived at the airport, and checked in and everything
5:50pm: We boarded the (stinky) plane. We were flying with United, as usual
12:15am (6:15am England time): We arrived in London. Whoo! Then we had a little breakfast of toast and jam
2:40am (8:40am): We rented a car and began the *long* drive to Devon, all the way south by the beach ;)
5:00am (11:00am): We arrived home. It's amazing! Bang-smack in the middle of the countryside, complete with a garden and a five-minute walk to the beach!

Already, I am acquiring an English accent :) I thought it would be bad, but it was actually the journey itself. *Sigh* I'm still feeling a little unsure about the summer and then a new school here, but oh well! Wish me luck!

4 interpolation(s):

squid said...

OMG you've moved! It must be so awesome there! I'd do anything to take a trip to see my cousins and go to London... :D


Natasha said...

hey! now ur in the same country is as me (im in scotland but we are both in britain!) Got jet lag?

Anonymous said...

Thanks guys! Yeah, it is! I hope you get there soon! :)

That's awesome, Paw! I might visit Scotland one day ;) I did, yeah... :P

Natasha said...

oh LOL poor Swirly you should of moved to scotland ang got some more summer holiday! we are still in ours!

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