I'm posting about my 2 little kittens that I adopted on FooPets! I adopted Spotlight 4 months ago, but things have changed - if you want an account you have to actually pay real money! Luckily I bought my new kitty, Pebblepaw, from another user so I don't have to actually pay. Anyway, on it, you can take photos of your pets with this camera tool. :) I decided to share some!
My new kitten, Pebblepaw, in her new beach background! Isn't she cute?
Pebblepaw jumping for a mouse toy.
Pebblepaw coming up to the screen for hugs!
Spotlight, my original cat, being lazy like normal.
As I said, he's lazy!
Don't you love his big yellow-green eyes?
Here! I embedded their code so you can play with them.
Enjoy playing with them!
3 interpolation(s):
Cute! I just reached Foo-Cadet level myself! I have three pets: A Boston Terrier (Pugsly-named after my REAL Boston), A blue-gray cat, Seirra, and a tortoiseshell cat, Flora.
Cool! I'm on level 23 I think. Are you a member of Club-Foo? I'm not.
http://www.foopets.com/member/21082572 Friend me please!!!
Yah, I'm a club-foo member.
(I'll friend you right now!)
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