
•Swirly Girl• says:

Welcome to the Lives of Swirly and Speed!

♠Speed♠ says:

*Sigh* Hopefully Swirly will return soon! This blog won't be the same without her, even if it is only for a month...

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Saturday, September 11, 2010


Nine years ago, terrorists flew planes into the Twin Towers. They were angry with America. They didn't care about the lives that were going to be lost.

Today, we remember.

Yes. I don't live in America anymore. But did you know that the terrorists were going to crash into the White House? In DC...where I lived.

Every year at school, we watched a video about 9/11. And every year, we saw an interview of people who had lost their family there.

"I am nine years old. My Mom died in the Twin Towers crash."

"My husband died trying to escape."

"My Dad survived. I believe in miracles now."

And every year, I'd walk out of the hall, my head in the clouds. The dark gray storm clouds. I imagined myself as those people, and thanked everything I knew that me and my family had survived.

We were living so close.

We could have died.


3 interpolation(s):

squid said...

Thank God you are safe! Those were really inspiring words. If reminds me of all the disasters the Earth fights.

Anonymous said...

Yeah. Thank God for everything that keeps us safe :)

Brooke said...

Half-agreeing with Speed and yourself, thank goodness. I'm happy you are here!

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I'm not really sure anymore. I really want to sleep.
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