
•Swirly Girl• says:

Welcome to the Lives of Swirly and Speed!

♠Speed♠ says:

*Sigh* Hopefully Swirly will return soon! This blog won't be the same without her, even if it is only for a month...

Thank you to everyone who filled out the survey! :) It is much appreciated!


Sunday, August 29, 2010

New Design!

I proudly present to you The Lives of •Swirly• and ♠Speed♠'s brand-new autumn design! This includes a new background, header, font, template, colors/style, and a button that actually goes to this blog when clicked :) I chose the header style because ♠Speed♠'s and my name both start with S, so I decided on a Skittles theme for that. The background I chose because school is starting again soon, and the font because it's just plain awesome! I'd love to hear your thoughts on the new design!

2 interpolation(s):

squid said...

I LOVE it! The century gothic font is my favourite, and the header is really cute! The template is also better; everything seems to fit in more, especially the gadgets. ♥♥♥

Th only thing is that we can't seen to agree on a header. :| So can you e-mail me your favourite backgrounds from various sites, then I'll reply with mine and we can decide?

squid said...

(oops i meant 2 say that we can't seem to agree on a BACKGROUND sorry!)

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I'm not really sure anymore. I really want to sleep.
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